Y2k Comedy Horror Film Trailer Released By A24

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Y2K Comedy Horror Film Trailer Released by A24

What is Y2K?

Y2K is a comedy horror film released by A24.

Plot Synopsis

The film follows two teenagers on the last night of 1999 who must fend off an army of retro devices after the Y2K bug causes them to malfunction.

Cast and Crew

Release Date

Y2K is set to be released in theaters on January 3, 2023.


A24 has released the official trailer for Y2K, which provides a glimpse into the film's unique blend of horror and comedy.


The trailer has been met with positive reactions from critics and audiences alike, with many praising its originality and nostalgia.


Y2K looks set to be a must-see for fans of horror comedies. With its talented cast, intriguing premise, and stylish trailer, it is sure to leave a lasting impression.