The Hilarious Scene In Happy Gilmore Where Chubbs Teaches Happy To Putt

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The Hilarious Scene in 'Happy Gilmore' Where Chubbs Teaches Happy to Putt


The 1996 sports comedy film 'Happy Gilmore' is full of memorable moments, including the hilarious scene where Chubbs Peterson teaches Happy Gilmore how to putt. This scene is not only funny but also important to the film's plot, as it helps Happy develop the skills he needs to win the golf tournament and save his grandmother's house.

The Setup

After Happy discovers that his grandmother is about to lose her home, he decides to enter a golf tournament in order to win the prize money and save her house. However, Happy has never played golf before, so he seeks out the help of Chubbs, a former professional golfer who has become a groundskeeper at the golf course.

Chubbs's Unorthodox Teaching Methods

Chubbs agrees to teach Happy how to putt, but his methods are far from orthodox.

The Payoff

Despite Chubbs's unconventional methods, Happy begins to improve his putting skills. In the final round of the tournament, Happy faces off against Shooter McGavin, the top-ranked golfer in the world.

With the tournament on the line, Happy uses the skills that Chubbs taught him to sink the winning putt and save his grandmother's house.


The scene where Chubbs teaches Happy how to putt is one of the most memorable and important scenes in 'Happy Gilmore.' It is a funny and heartwarming moment that shows the power of friendship and determination.