Florida Election Officials Warn Of False Rumor About Ballot Markings Days Before The States Primary

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Election Officials Warn of False Rumor About Ballot Markings

The claim that election workers will invalidate ballots by writing on them is false.

Election officials in Florida are warning voters about a false rumor that election workers will invalidate ballots by writing on them.

The rumor has been circulating on social media, and some voters have expressed concern about it.

However, election officials say the rumor is not true.

Do not write on your ballot.

Florida election officials have released a statement urging voters not to write on their ballots.

The statement says that writing on the ballot can damage the ballot and make it impossible to count.

Voters are instructed to fill in the ovals on the ballot using a pen or pencil.

Do not share false information about the election.

Election officials are also urging voters to be cautious about sharing false information about the election.

False information can confuse voters and make it difficult for them to make informed decisions.

Voters should only share information from official sources, such as the Florida Division of Elections.