Company Agrees To Proceed With Court Hearing After Dismissal Attempt

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WEB Disney Reverses Decision on Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Company Agrees to Proceed With Court Hearing After Dismissal Attempt

Widower's Lawsuit Allowed to Proceed

Walt Disney Co. has reversed its decision and will now allow a wrongful death lawsuit related to the death of a woman who died after visiting one of its facilities to proceed in court.

The company had initially argued that a provision in its ticket agreement required the lawsuit to be arbitrated privately instead of being heard in court.

However, the company has now agreed to let the lawsuit proceed in court, a decision that comes after months of legal wrangling over the issue.

Background of the Case

Disney's Change of Course

Disney's decision to allow the lawsuit to proceed in court represents a significant change in its position on the matter.

It is unclear what prompted the company to reverse its decision, but it is possible that the negative publicity surrounding the case played a role.

The case has been widely reported in the media and has drawn criticism from consumer advocates and legal experts.

Implications of the Decision

The decision to allow the lawsuit to proceed in court has several implications.


Disney's decision to allow the lawsuit to proceed in court is a significant development in the case.

It remains to be seen how the case will ultimately resolve, but it is clear that the widower will have a better chance of obtaining a favorable outcome now that the lawsuit is allowed to proceed in court.